i came in third

a different topic everyday

Last week I started this blog with the intention of having a different topic everyday. I poured over the suggestions and settled on the ones below..and they are.....:

Mondays - Sports
Tuesdays - Technology
Wednesdays - Religion
Thursdays - Music
Fridays - Top 5/10 List

So this being Monday.....i figured i would have to post about the silver and blue, america's team....the dallas cowboys. i have been a life long cowboys fan due my favorite beanbag chair when i was a kid. So, the 90's were a great ride but from then on it's been a rough ride. I guess you have to be a cowboy as well just to cheer for them because over the last several years we've had to dig our heel in and hang on tight.

To be honest, i didn't want to blog about the cowboys today but in watching some ESPN this morning i heard something I didn't know about the ridiculousness that was yesterday's game between the dallas cowboys and the arizona cardinals. after all the turnovers & hoopla that occurred in the game some actual history was made. Listening to Chris Berman (whom i cannot stand) he alerted me to the fact that the dallas cowboys will go down in history as the only team to lose a game by having a punt blocked and returned for a touchdown. So, from now on, amongst all the history, records, and hall of famer's that are part of the silver and blue family....we will also be pinned with that record. great!! something else as ridiculous as Jessica Simpson that we can't get rid of!!
